I'm Kyle Swartz

a ruby on rails developer

Featured Project

I built an intramural hockey league management app, for several different user types. Visitors can check on schedules and see stats for teams. Users can get in contact with team members to see if they need any extra players. Team members can see the team player’s schedule, in order to see who will be able to make which games. Administrators can approve new teams, create/modify the schedule, as well as update stats and scores.

My Works

Below are some of the web apps/projects I built while attending The Iron Yard. I built these apps using Ruby 2.2.0 and Rails 4.2.1. I also utilized Javascript(CoffeeScript), jQuery plugins, Bourbon, SASS, HTML5/CSS3. All logins were setup utilizing bcrypt. I used the carrierwave gem for uploading images, and Amazon Web Services for hosting them. All of these apps are hosted on Heroku.

Ice Sports Forum

Final Demo Day App

I built this App for my friends that play intramural hockey.

I wanted to give them a site that tracked all of their stats, as well as thier season schedules.

This way they could have a one stop shop for bragging about who's the better hockey player, and I could maybe get a free beer or two for having built this for them.

Feel free to log in as the following user in order to see the feature set of a logged in user that is on a team.

User Email: destinee@example.net
Password: password1234

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Movie Query

Rotten Tomatoes API Search

This app was built utilizing The Rotten Tomatoes API, to search movie reviews.

The first movie returned via JSON, is parsed and displayed.

Unfortunantely, Rotten Tomatoes locked down the poster size, so the big posters are no longer being returned. So if you try using the app and only see the thumbnail version, this is why.

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Pinterest Clone App

While attending The Iron Yard I built a Pinterest clone.

While it may not look as pretty as the actual Pinterest, I built the bulk of the functionality in one weekend!

Users can create their own boards, and uploaded thier own pins. User can browse other user's pins and even pin them to one thier own boards. This project was als where I started playing with JavaScript(CoffeeScript), and where I learned the joys of dealing with turbolinks.

Feel free to log in as the following user to play around with adding and editing boards, and pinning other user's pins to your boards.

User Email: emmalee@example.net
Password: password1234

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Pugsleys Place

Pugsleys Place Website

This is a site I built for my parents Dog Boarding and Grooming business. I built it using jekyll and hosted on Amazon S3 Bucket, just like this site.

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About Me

In the process of refactoring my site and portfolio. I haven't real done a lot of personnal projects since first getting hired. SHAME ON ME! I've been busy finishing my Bachelors in Business Administration and Management, as well as learning Angular and React. I love building APIs in Rails and frontends in React! Javascript is just so much better unhibitted by turbolinks, lol.

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Getting Shit Done!

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